Yoshimura Trade PLC is a young Ethiopian business entity incorporated in accordance with Ethiopian laws with a long period of cooperation with Japanese organizations. It has so far been involved in significant projects implemented by Japanese development agencies contributing to the success of essential development activities in Ethiopia. To name a few, water drilling projects in a number of Raya Zone of Tigray Region in Northern Ethiopia spearheaded by Sato Kogyo Co., Ltd., water supply projects in Amhara and Southern Regions led by Tone Engineering project for improvement of axle load on truck roads conducted by Tone Engineering, and many others.
Recently, Yoshimura has been exploring the Ethiopian market for Japanese products. These include agricultural and infrastructural technologies, construction machinery, water technologies, and medical products. The selection of these products was based on their tremendous benefit to the needs of the public and the current development needs of key sectors of the Ethiopian economy. We are intent on establishing vibrant market linkages with Japanese manufacturers and distributors of these vital products and equipment towards the fulfillment of the urgent development needs in Ethiopia. For this purpose, we call on the timely support of key stakeholders in realizing this objective.