Yoshimura Trade PLC
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Ethiopia’s economy is primarily based on agriculture, both traditional and to a lesser extent modern. It is an established fact that 80% of the Ethiopian population lives in rural areas and depends on farming and nomadic pastoralism for living. 60% of Ethiopia’s GDP is from agricultural products such as coffee, flowers, sesame, animal hides, etc. 95% of agricultural produce in Ethiopia comes from small-holder farmers.
In recent years, the Ethiopian government has focused on transforming agricultural productivity through modern irrigation in order to boost agricultural produce both for food security for the local population and for export purpose with a view to increase foreign currency earning. There are strategic grains that have been given highest priority such as wheat, both in moderate and hot regions, corn, rice, and barley. In order to achieve these vital objectives, irrigation technologies are a critical component of the agricultural transformation as the capital investment of the technologies should ensure a high-return, efficient, and durable technology.